Values & Teamplay vs Professional Excellence & Individual Brilliance

For years I have observed situations where this issue gets highlighted. ‘Values and Team play score over Professional Brilliance and Individual Excellence’, some of the senior professionals used to tell me during my early career. Initially I took it as yet another nice and good viewpoint ….. just ‘nice to have and say’. Over years my belief in this kept getting stronger.

However, there are shades of grey, someone would say. Everything is not black and white in this world. I would hear some people say that these situations need to be and can be managed. Articles in some of the well respected management journals talked about how such cases can be handled ….. and that added an element of doubt in my mind at times.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe there are ways that Super Managers and Super Leaders know, by which this complication can be managed, without causing the cancerous growth to damage other organs, entire body or the whole organization.

There is NO SUCH way.

There was a case I was observing for five years now. I had predicted ‘destruction’, waiting for the inevitable to happen, for the ugly cancer to show its true sting. A case of ‘Professional Brilliance and Individual Excellence’. Low on Values and Teamplay. People swore by this professional. He was not only being tolerated, but was being honoured, respected, recognized, praised and showered awards on.

Predicted disaster struck last week. The inevitable happened. The highly recognized brilliant star left the organization that served and nurtured him for so many years, taking along several other key players and know how, leaving behind a trail of shattered trust, faith and love.

I should not say that I am happy that this happened, but yes, relieved that my hypothesis got verified 100% ….. there are no shades of grey here ….. in the toss up between Values & Teamplay vs Professional Excellence & Individual Brilliance, let Professional Excellence & Individual Brilliance get sacrificed, lest it spread a cancerous growth which is too late to correct and cure. Justplainandsimple …..


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2 thoughts on “Values & Teamplay vs Professional Excellence & Individual Brilliance

  1. S S Malhotra

    J P Singh has made an excellent analysis in the field of Values and teamplay v/sProfessional excellence and Individual Brilliance,which will be of great use to the Corporate professinals.

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