From ‘The Crucibles’ of Justplainandsimple™ Consulting …..
Simplest form of life is a single cell.
It is also works like an organization !? It has a Mission for its Existence and Structure (nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria …..) with well defined roles, relationships and boundaries
What makes it alive is the way it organises its ‘life’ processes …..
– Each part works for development, maintenance and regeneration of other parts and of the cell as a whole ….. collaboration
– This is a self perpetuating creative activity of the cell ….. continuity
– It interacts with the environment outside its boundary and ‘adjusts’ internally while maintaining its structure and integrity ….. fluidity and learning
If these are built into the DNA of today’s organizations, it can ‘breathe life’ into so many organisations that can ‘Come Alive’ !!
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