Category Archives: Leadership

Strategy and Courage

Of all the Values that are important in the play of Strategy, Courage ranks extremely high. It is the ability to take a stand and to have the strength to do something in the face of adversity, challenge and pain.

images (16)In the run up to Strategy, even before a Strategy is put in place, one has to have strong conviction in an idea, thought, mission, vision and/or intention. Needless to say, due diligence must be done in evaluating all scenarios and alternatives.

But once all deliberations are done and a course of action is determined to be wise, never discredit your judgement. Stand squarely behind your strategy and decision.

Course correction, basis midway changes, however, is a wise thing to do. Flexibility, not rigidity, is a characteristic of the Courageous. The virtue of honesty, truthfulness and a courageous recognition of reality combine into one of the most important virtues ….. Integrity.

images (15)There will be people who misunderstand intentions and actions and condemn, but if, as per your judgement and wholistic assessment, you are doing ‘The Right Thing’ and ‘The Right Way’, there is nothing to fear.

Take a stand !!




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Strategy and Moderation

One of my biggest lessons in life has been related to ‘Moderation’. Extremes, I learned, are most often not the right route to take. It is more a ‘philosophy’ of life one builds on and becomes a way of thinking and taking decisions. images (14)

In pure business terms, I have seen the merit of cutting out extremes ….. on the one end of spectrum, to ‘reduce risk’ by not planning too aggressively ….. and on the other, to avoid not being ambitious/aspirational enough.

On another dimension, there is moderation needed between becoming too quantitative in strategy formulation and hence numbers driven vs staying highly qualitative and hence not specific enough. Moderation

Strategy also needs a good balance between the rational left brain and creative right brain thinking. I have seen merits of balancing a strategy by making a logical plan and then stepping back and looking at the ‘gestalt’ to ‘see and feel whether it all makes sense’ ….. using intuition and gut to ‘add that extra beauty’ to a well developed plan !!

Life, perse, is a perfect example of the outcome of moderation on planet earth and in homeostasis in our bodies. Mother Earth operates in a well defined range of temperature, humidity, atmospheric conditions ….. and any variation outside this range is corrected through well defined feedback mechanisms. So also is true with our bodies. Any disturbance of this delicate dynamic balance can cause disturbances and disease. A moderated and balanced system, in harmony with its ecosystem thrives with sustainable life in Bliss !! Strategy should ensure moderated and dynamic flow of life in a system.

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Strategy and Confidence !!

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Strategy makes the difference between a successful company & a failure ? The word has its origins in Greek :

Strategia’ = “generalship”

Stratos = “army”

agein’ = “to lead”.

In military science, strategy refers to the large scale plan for how the generals intend to fight & win a war. Strategy is about making choices to have A Winning Proposition to not only preserve resources, but leverage & multiply ….. in the Creation of Value ….. (in the same order as below) :

  • To Create Value for customers
  • To Build ROI for organisation

A Unique ‘Causal’ relationship exists between ‘Strategy’ and ‘Confidence’. The approach to Strategy has to be with full confidence ….. in one’s intentionality, in capability, in execution, in insights, in people…..

….. And deep insights, robust strategy, capable team ….. in turn lead to Confidence !!

Confidence is contagious & so is lack of confidence & a customer (as well as your enemy) will recognize both.


General Patton, having studied in detail and read his opponent Rommel’s book, exclaims after scoring over Rommel in battle “Rommel, you b******, I read your book !!”

A quote from General Patton captures the ‘Strategy – Confidence’ correlation beautifully : “A man must know his destiny. If he does not recognize it, then he is lost. By this I mean, once, twice, or at the very most, three times, fate will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder. If he has the imagination, he will turn around and fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, If he has the guts, he will take it.”


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of Your Business, Professional and Personal Potential




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Strategy and Truthfulness !?


Strategy and Truthfulness !?

Looking at the two, one wonders what could be the connection. I reflected a little and realized that the connection is there right through, like blood relations.

It starts right from the beginning, by being true to the chosen Mission and Vision. Then, even before attempting to build strategy, one has to explore the ‘as is/you are here’ situation with full truthfulness. Jim Collins says ‘Face The Brutal Facts.

Building operating mechanism, culture, structure, competencies and measures for the execution phase have to be true to and aligned to strategic plan and priorities. Team rewards should truly capture performance and values. The cycle gets completed with a true assessment/feedback post execution and reassessing and evaluating learnings to be able to show TRUE and continuous improvement. True siblings I must say !!



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How can an Organization ‘Come Alive’ !? Simple Consulting/Learnings from a Cell can help !!

From ‘The Crucibles’ of Justplainandsimple™ Consulting …..

Simplest form of life is a single cell.

It is also works like an organization !? It has a Mission for its Existence and Structure (nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria …..) with well defined roles, relationships and boundaries

What makes it alive is the way it organises its ‘life’ processes …..

–       Each part works for development,  maintenance and regeneration of other parts and of the cell as a whole ….. collaboration

–       This is a self perpetuating creative activity of the cell ….. continuity

–       It interacts with the environment outside its boundary and ‘adjusts’ internally while maintaining its structure and integrity ….. fluidity and learning

If these are built into the DNA of today’s organizations, it can ‘breathe life’ into so many organisations that can ‘Come Alive’ !!

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