Category Archives: Leadership

Healthcare set ups that tripped ….. 1

TrippedThere is so much buzz surrounding healthcare today. And rightly so. Healthcare is on a growth path.

All eyes are focused on the healthcare success stories. For gaining valuable learnings and for valuation gains !!

Lost somewhere in the melee are stories of slips that can give equally significant insights.

Without disclosing the identity, here is one such case …..

A new unit, started slow and steady with one healthcare speciality and progressed well. Led by an enthusiastic entrepreneur, full of passion and ambition, ready to take risks. All the correct ingredients it seems.

The enthusiasm led to related diversification into other healthcare verticals.

Two years into this mode, growth started slowing down and profits started getting eroded.

Good brand equity, doctors, patient satisfaction, advertising spends, infrastructure ….. nothing seemed to be wrong.

Root cause analysis brought up a peculiar core issue, generally very difficult to accept by any business leader  ….. that the leader lacked the ability to handle multiple business operations.

Adaptive Thinking, Empowerment with Accountability, Execution Excellence, Networking and Executive Maturity were the development areas that the leader could have sought help in and built on, to Realise Business, Professional and Personal Potential.

More cases …..



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That which cannot be expressed by speech …..


Painting by JPSingh

That which cannot be expressed by speech,

That by which speech is expressed.

Know That alone to be Brahman, not this –

this which (people) worship.

Kenopanishad I : 5

The Supreme God, Brahman, Atman is Consciousness which enlivens the organ of speech to speak. The Subject within which animates speech. It is not an object of speech. Speech cannot express Brahman. Brahman causes the organs of action to function, breathes life into them.

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Strategy and Self-Acceptance

thKX2V243NStrategy is like a ‘Guide Map’ in a neighborhood locality. To figure out how to reach House No.245, one has to first anchor the ‘You Are Here’ position. Then, the route to take is the strategy.

In Business Strategy or Personal Leadership Strategy ….. or in any kind of strategy for that matter, be it even strategy for personal finance, the step after establishing ‘Intentionality’, is anchoring the ‘You Are Here’. Also called Situation Analysis in business strategy theory.

This calls for a frank look at SWOT, environmental factors, stage in life, Value Systems, Passion, etc. etc., ‘ACCEPTING’ the ‘AS IS’ and building the same into the strategy equation.JPS_CCE_Units_certificate_Prasad_17th Dec

In a nonlinear system, sensitive dependence on initial conditions can cause huge differences at later stages. The Butterfly Effect ….. The theoretical example of a hurricane being influenced by minor disturbances due to the flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly several weeks earlier.

Hence the significance of Introspection, Self-Awareness and Self-Acceptance  …..

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Strategy and Thankfulness

images (18)There is a lot of material on detailed analysis in strategy formulation. There will be, to some extent, thoughts and discussions on the need for a holistic, right brained, creative input as well. To fine tune and polish up the overall strategy. To make sure all the pieces fit in together with each other and with The WHOLE.

However, whatever literature and science of strategy I have come across, the Value of Thankfulness has never been used in the same breath, talk, sentence, chapter or even book as strategy 🙂

I guess it is that ‘soft’, superficial kind of thing that finds no place in the world of ‘Super Intelligent and Rational Strategy’ discussions.

Like the start of any activity, one could initiate the process of strategy formulation with ‘Thankfulness’ towards all stakeholders. Employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers ….. competition !? ….. The Universal Power !? Towards our products !? To all those who brought things up to where they are today. A ritual as with so many good things that we start !!

“May do it once, but strategy is a very dynamic thing, you know; like having to constantly dance on your feet in a boxing ring”, someone would say. So great, let’s express Gratitude and Thankfulness all the time !!images (17)

This simple Value, expressed genuinely and timely, can create so much Harmony and Flow in the preparation, building and execution of strategy. Enthusiastic participation can bring in richness, diversity and depth of thoughts and insights from one and all with full ownership and accountability.

Endless cups of coffee and stressful curses can be eased somewhat with nice sincere ‘Thanks’ on the way, making the process so much lighter, so much fun and full of life. The sheer positivity in the ecosystem can make strategy thinking much more creative, energetic, joyful, effective and insightful.

He that gives should never remember, he that receives should never forget. ~ The Talmud



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