Category Archives: Economy

Decoding Innovation


From the Crucibles of JPS Consulting                                       

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                                ….. Helping Realise Potential
TRIM Quarterly ….. A Showcase of Industrial India, September 2010

We are ourselves creation of God and by being creative, we further continue the process set forth by Him. Not only is it in our nature to be creative, but by doing so, we give back to The Creator, in our own specific ways, His gift of creativity to us. Creation, in its very basic meaning, is a process of ‘causing to exist’. Life has, inherent in its nature, an element of creating ‘newness’ and ‘novelty’. The continuous cycle of Creation, Preservation and Destruction is The Cosmic Cycle of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva. When we are creative, we harness the universality around us and make it flow through us. Hence, creativity is life; it is opening oneself to GOD (Good Orderly Direction). When we refuse to be creative, it maybe self will, but contrary to our true nature, leading to things becoming static/still/dead.


Nature continuously plays out and demonstrates its tendency to create novelty. The process of evolution is one of the ways in which nature expresses it’s creativity. Evolution generally refers to the gradual process of development that we see in nature. This process has been going on for billions of years, from the time the first simple single cells were formed, through all the stages as life evolved into forms with higher complexity and order. The key routes to evolution were random mutation (once in millions of cells), trading of genetic pools (bacteria had access to a vast pool of genes, through which they passed traits in a powerful and efficient global exchange) and symbiogenesis (this is the key route of evolution for all higher organisms, in which there is creation of new forms of life through permanent symbiotic arrangements). The latter two are demonstrations of the powerful effects of collaboration, co-creation and co-evolution that exist in nature and these were then fine tuned and honed by natural selection. It seems that there is a grand design where collective memories and energies (without any regard to size, caste, colour and hierarchies) are at play to create ‘innovative evolution’ in an interconnected Dance of Life !!


Innovation stands for a new way, technique or method to do things. By definition, then, it is a creative process. Evolutionary history of life is full of examples of ‘innovative evolution’. Breathing and photosynthesis are excellent examples of this. When bacteria expanded, their energy needs led to shortage of hydrogen. Photosynthesis was an innovation to break water molecules using sunlight, to release hydrogen and oxygen. While hydrogen was used to build sugar and carbohydrates, oxygen was emitted into the atmosphere, leading to an oxygen crisis. Free oxygen is toxic as it produces free radicals and also causes combustion and corrosion. Breathing was the next innovation !!


Whether there have been challenges of the kind where an oxygen crisis was looming large, or whether the processes of mutation, gene trading and symbiosis were in any case running continuously, followed by natural selection, what is important in all these is that nature has its own ways of creativity. We can call it ‘Evolutionary Innovation’ or ‘innovative Evolution’, but this concept of ‘Creative Evolutionary innovation’ has elements of sharing knowledge, competition and collaboration, co-existing, adapting and growing. But ‘who collaborates with whom ?’ and ‘who adapts to what ?’ The species have an interplay with each other and also with the environment and the ecosystem, shaping and adapting to each other and the environment itself, thus Creating an Innovative Co-Evolutionary Dance ….. Nature’s creativity is boundless !!


Organizations can learn a lot from this process . Each organization itself is an ecosystem or an organism and has inter-relationships within and outside. Every function/department/location within an organization is also an ecosystem or an organism with such inter-relationships within themselves, with other functions/departments/locations, with the overall organization and with the external world. Such similarities with the way ecosystems and organisms are organized and behave in nature, cause organizations also to mimic the patterns and behaviour of species and ecosystems. Especially useful is the observation and learning attained through the processes of ‘Creative Evolutionary Innovation’ in Nature, no matter what the size of the organization ….. as is the case in nature, where size of the organisms is immaterial for this process to propagate; the smallest single cell organism or an amoeba or bacteria all played this game with equal adeptness, provided they followed the rules well !!


I understand that in organizations, or more so in the corporate world, innovation has to play a more practical and commercial role. It cannot be just a ‘nice to have initiative’ without any observable impact. Organisations exist to 1) add value for the customer and 2) create ROI for the investors. Both these can happen, ONLY IF ALL THE STAKEHOLDERS IN THE VALUE CHAIN, COLLECTIVELY STRIVE TO ACHIEVE them, by creating a Differential and/or Cost Advantage in a WIN-WIN situation for all. If this basic premise is accepted and understood, the parallel drawn till now can make sense. Otherwise the organization and this discussion both can become extinct.


Creativity can be a lone/solo process and we have heard about many creative people who operate alone and do end up creating masterpieces. However, there are also the creative masters like Edison, who actually had the benefit of learnings of a whole team with him. There definitely are stories of creative geniuses who worked alone, but we are talking here of common people and minds, working in day to day operations in closer to ground organizations. How do they bring alive creativity in their work ? A streak of genius happens once in a million, like random mutations in nature. Rest of the story of evolution is about the other two avenues of gene trading and symbiosis, honed by natural selection.


What then, could organizations do ? Draw on learnings from nature and life. The simplest life forms could have Creative Evolutionary Innovation. Organisations will not achieve it only by the chance stroke of a brilliant idea that occurs to an employee in romantic environs on a Sunday afternoon, relaxing on a hammock in the sun, glass of beer in one hand and cigarette in the other ….. He can probably keep waiting for that once in a million random mutation to strike. Or can organizations actually engineer the creative process proactively ….. by drawing on the know how encoded in the gene pool of the system and using symbiotic relationships to collaborate and co-evolve innovative solutions, taking the organization to the next level of growth and existence.


The fact is that every organization has tremendous information encoded in its DNA and the irony is that managers think that they know everything and do not need help. Even if I know that I do not know something, how can I be seen as admitting it in public ?? It was this ego that the primitive species did not have and hence continued to collaborate and evolve ….. and mind you, this was not only collaborating with other members of the same species, but at times with species competing for the same resources, to create a dynamic balance with win win for all. While bacteria are associated with disease, they are also vital for our survival ….. The story of evolution of life on our planet is one of cohabitation and co-evolution, rather than of combat and rivalry !!


Creativity, evolution, growth, learning and innovation are the lifeblood of any dynamic organization. Continuous learning and improvement are the hallmark of an adaptive organization. These organizations keep trying various things/doing things differently, some work some don’t ….. very much like natural selection ….. but the key element is their continuous effort to stimulate progress. They keep evolving and growing. 


What I suggest here is a process and mindset, which further reinforces and structures the same. This not only supports evolutionary growth, but also, in the way we look at innovation in more practical terms in our day to parlance ….. breakthrough growth as well.  The process involves bringing together all the knowledge bearers (genes) together, to place their understanding on a common plate (symbiosis), look at the same from different perspectives and evolve combinations and solutions that are innovative. This is not just a brainstorming exercise, but can involve techniques and expertise that make this seemingly simple process very effective. Selection of the right people to contribute their learnings, framing the right objectives, asking the right questions are some critical skills which can be facilitated if organizations are willing to take this journey. The expertise lies in making the complex looking process simple and structured ….. to engineer innovation rather than hoping that it will happen one day ….. and my experience says that it can be engineered !!


I have tried this in various situations and groups over a period of time. At a critical phase in the lifecycle of one business, profitability and hence survival was a big issue.  A team comprising people from manufacturing, materials, marketing, finance and maintenance, including shopfloor workers who are closest to action, worked together. Within six months they came up with actual, permanent, annualised cost savings to the tune of 4% of revenue. Engineered innovation achieved through facilitation with the right people, posing the right questions and using the right approach made all the difference for this organization ….. between extinction and thriving growth towards industry leadership !!


In another situation, a business was faced with the challenge of a competitive launch within one week. Competition had guarded the news very well and hence there was no time for preparing defence. A team of key people were brought together. Facilitation through a structured innovation process brought out a creative plan within one hour. The result was that the competitive launch was totally blunted and inspite of all the preparation, they could never gather the confidence and put their act together again to gain any respectable market share.


There was yet another organization with issues related to ROCE. Gene pool trading and symbiotic facilitation process led to a restructuring of P&L lines and asset turns to yield an increase of 7%. Examples abound, of the ways we have been able to utilize this mechanism in strategy, manufacturing, sales, problem solving, decision making, business processes, marketing etc. with equal success.


The process starts with divergence of thoughts (gene trading and symbiosis) followed by convergence (natural selection), which includes perspectives, analysis, combinations, risk analysis and action planning ….. all in a structured process. The attempt is not to just leave innovation to chance, but to be able to engineer and determine our destinies to the extent we possibly can.  Loss of information in black holes reduces our ability to predict the future ….. but atleast we should not end up creating organizational black holes ourselves, to be sucked up under the pull of organizational gravity itself ….. The idea is to have an organizational dance to release positive energy for Thriving Growth and Prosperity !!



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Passion Trumps Technology

TRIM Quarterly ….. A Showcase of Industrial India, July 2010

It was a pleasant evening in Delhi, unlike the excessive, record breaking summer heat this year. The event, Bharat Shiromani Awards, organised by The Shiromani Institute. The venue, a five star hotel in the heart of the capital.  Guests had arrived and the hall was fully packed.

The list of awardees was a who’s who of celebrities from diverse fields like sports, music, dance, politics, films, medicine, technology ….. Guests of Honour were Orissa Governor Mr.Bhandare, Arunachal Pradesh Governor General J.J.Singh, Chairman Law Commission Justice Laxmanan and Member of Parliament Mr.Tarlochan Singh. Some of the recipients who were present were, General J.J.Singh (also as Guest of Honour), Abhinav Bindra, Daler Mehndi, Mohd. Azharuddin, Jaya Prada ….. among other illustrious personalities.

The Master of Ceremonies requested everyone to take seats as the evening’s proceedings were to start. Two screens on either side of the stage lit up and the Tri-Colour fluttered on them. Everyone stood up for the National Anthem. The much cliched, ‘technical snag’ developed at that very moment and there was no sound from the audio system. Seconds flowed in silence as the two screens continued to show the Tri-Colour. The audio had failed. Another attempt was made by the technicians, but still no sound.

A meek voice, from one side of the hall started ‘Jana Gana Mana …..’ and stopped. From another side, another person began to sing ‘Jana Gana Mana …..’ and like the first one, finding herself to be the lone voice,also stopped. Someone else attempted again ….. and then, I guess, the earlier ones joined in and one by one the crescendo built up ….. everyone joined in ….. all awardees, guests of honour on stage and everyone in the hall was singing !! The entire National Anthem was sung completely by all present !! And then, as if nothing had gone wrong, the proceedings carried on after The National Anthem ….. !!

I am sure each one present there, had goose pimples, as did I. It was an amazing experience and feeling, as if some super power had charged everyone in the hall with the same energy ….. A Passion for India !! It was unsaid, unrehearsed, unprepared, but to an outsider it would have appeared as if there was a tremendous level of bonding and understanding and that a lot of preparation had gone in.

Jai Ho !!

I said to myself, “In India’s race into the future, Technology will play the role of an accelerator for sure; but what will POWER it, is The Soul Stirring Passion I experienced first hand that day” !! Passion is the energy that ‘fires’ organisational and societal engines to run faster and more effectively and efficiently, technology at best being an enabler, a catalyst, an accelerator. Passion is the ‘Extra Premium Fuel’ that is at a premium. It runs through the soul of Indians truly, I realised !!

We see examples in sports, in corporate performances, in concerts and in various other fields, where similar magic is created, going beyond the limits of technology. There are organisations where use of the best technology fails to bring about results and then there are operations like the Mumbai Dibbawallas, who are so tuned in, passionately, efficiently, effectively and accurately carrying out their work day in day out, rain or no rain, that they TRUMP Six Sigma processes without any technological gadgets !! One wonders what kind of a spirit is alive, spreading homogeneously like a cloud, encompassing all the constituents with A Divine Energy …..

How is it that certain teams achieve extraordinary excellence, day after day, year after year and manage to stay committed to each other, their customers and their organization’s mission ? What explains the romance of synchronised rowing by boatmen in Kerala !! Or what explains the Olympic Margins of Victory ….. fractions of seconds !!

Why is it that all teams are groups but not all groups are teams ?? Passion resides in each individual as a nucleus of energy and also pervades all across the team, as if there were multiple bodies but one soul. Behaving very much in the manner of wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics. Each one may ignite and vibrate separately, but with the same frequency. The resonance creates an energy, which individually and collectively can trump any obstacle and lead to great achievements. That, like my experience on hearing The National Anthem being sung by everyone together, can unleash The Energy of Collective Passion ….. creating A Harmonious Soulful Symphony.

“An ignited mind is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth and under the earth ….. Creativity and imagination of the human mind would always be superior to any computer” ….. APJ Abdul Kalam


Justplainandsimple Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

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….. Helping Realise Potential

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When scarcity and deprivation hurt

Business & Economy, 2007

Creativity and Talent can only surface when the nation prospers

Fundamentally, the core purpose of our lives is to be of service to others. Anything which allows us to move in that direction or facilitates this process, is in line with the forces of nature. Such alignment creates achievement of purposes in flow and resonance with nature, in a manner where effort is ‘effortless’. Anything not on line with the flow of nature, takes in an amount of effort, which is first used up in neutralizing the resistance due to it being against the very flow itself. This leads to an efficiency loss and only the balance goes towards fulfilling the core purpose. So either a lot more effort/energy is needed or the effort falls short of the core purpose. We need facilitators to lubricate the flow of effort in a natural manner. Resistors needs to be taken out & if then, there is enough resonance, there are catalysts which speeden up the process.

Economic Independence is also a means to allow human beings to fulfill the core purpose of being able to serve & love others. It maybe be looked at, at two levels 1) To be able to take independent decisions, to be able to make a choice & 2) That there is no/less ‘dependence’ on someone else & more self dependence. The first one got out of the way for us in 1947, after centuries of ‘not even being able to exercise a choice’. At the macro level, we gained Independence and could now ‘decide/make a choice’ ourselves. The second part of ‘no/less dependence on someone else & more self dependence’, however, still kept eluding us, both as a nation & as individuals, for many more decades. ‘Interdependence’, the very nature of everything in The Cosmos, will, should & has to stay  & maybe one day, to be looked at as another dimension worth considering ….. The Cosmic Dance continues!!

It is said ‘The Right Thing’ done ‘The Right Way’ starts showing ‘Good’ Results. Each of these terms ‘Right’ & ‘Good’ are subjective and contextual. However, predecided  indices/measures of desired ‘Result Areas’ should then bring in some amount of objectivity. It seems that after almost half a century of having obtained the power to exercise choice, we hit on the Right Things/Ways atleast to start moving the needle on a predecided parameter of desired ‘Results’ in the form of GDP growth & that is very creditable to my mind, also leading to the second point above, of ‘No/less’ Dependence on someone else & more self dependence !!

The above discussion remains in the realm of Economic Wealth & captures Material Wealth creation or Independence in being able to make a choice in this area or to be not/less dependant or more self dependant in this area. If those be the predecided ‘Result Areas’, so be it & the measures thereof are fine. However, Total Wealth comprises Physical (Health, Wellness, Body) & Spiritual (Mind, Soul, Values) Wealth. If these are what we need to look at as included in ‘Result Areas’ then measurement indices need to be revisited. Economic Independence should allow a flowering of a society where Total Wealth is created. It is true that scarcity & deprivation do not allow this to happen. Maslow’s need hierarchy comes out & does a  Rudra Tandava in the open. Personal needs of food, clothing, housing, security have to be met before anyone starts looking at the core purpose of human existence to serve & love others. In any case, charity begins at home. Once out of this cycle, made possible by Economic Independence/Wealth, can human beings & society move up Maslow’s hierarchy & create an environment where there is Ananda Tandava of ‘Celebration/Joy of Life’ !! It allows flourishing of Creativity, Art & Literature. It allows ethics and values a chance to stay alive and not to be throttled, though always unjustifiable, by the pains of an empty stomach and a naked body. The energy sucking black holes of hatred, anger, terrorism etc. should drown and disappear.

In the days of deprivation & scarcity, one was told to study hard & become an engineer, doctor or CA. Many a dream & aspiration were delivered still born . . . . . Choice, when you are no longer living in scarcity & deprivation & when you have a vibrant economy offering multiple opportunities, allows creativity to flourish in such a society. Dreams & Aspirations take flight & soar high!! Creativity acts like a catalyst. All these further lubricate the entire process of existence in harmony with nature adding momentum as we go along and facilitating the purpose of ‘Serving & Loving Others’!!


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Shortage of Good Leadership in India; A Ticking Time Bomb ?

Business & Economy July, 2008

One of the most widely discussed & debated terms, with many definitions already existing, ‘Leadership’ continues to be an intriguing topic. As a student & practitioner of Leadership, I have tried to observe, read about & learn from the ways, behaviours, thoughts & styles of many Great Leaders. In my quest to learn more about Leadership, before being able to comment on Good Leadership, I checked how Oxford Dictionary treats the subject. Lead is described as ‘show the way, esp by going in front; guide or take by holding, pulling etc.’. A Leader then, is ‘a person who Leads’ & Leadership is the ‘ability to be a Leader’.

What then, is ‘Good’ Leadership ? Fundamentally, at the most basic level, the element of ‘going in front’ is an essential requirement to be fulfilled. A Leader is also expected to have, depending on the field of operation, Business, Functional or Domain knowledge, specific to the area of operation. A good definition of  Leadership that I came across is ‘A Leader is someone you choose to follow, because you know that he/she can take you where you want to go, but cannot go alone’. This definition goes beyond just ‘subject expertise’ & ‘going in front’, to highlighting ‘choice’ & ‘desired direction’ on behalf of the followers as well ….. It allows for a conscious human being to make an active choice & to determine his/her future direction….. so much a part of The Indian Ethos !! The question then is about options available to be able to make a choice, rather than having to choose from whatever is available.

However, talking of Good Leadership, there is also the concept of ‘Situational’ Leadership. According to this, the approach should be changed depending on the context or situation. An approach valid in one situation, may not be valid in another. So, a slightly broader view, encompassing more variables is proposed. Now what is the context that is generally kept in mind when choosing a Leadership approach ? Very often, even when this is followed, the context remains very narrow ….. confined to one circumstantial dimension only i.e. a variation in approach/action just based on situations & events or maybe depending on who the Leader is or what geography or domain he/she is involved in. Leadership should look at a much wider context ….. social, economic, psychological, physical ….. a holistic systems approach. A Bangalore city prospering in IT ignores the context of infrastructure or social inconvenience that maybe building up due to another variable that gets totally left out of the equation. While Delhi booms in real estate & infrastructure, social stress, intolerance, crime & road rage create a bulge and distortion of the picture at another place.

Good Leadership, at the cutting edge, is Life itself !! Like in life, a Dynamic Balance of various aspects has to be maintained ….. between yin & yang, masculinity & feminity. Good Leadership needs to attain a balance between social, economic, physical & psychological variables. In most situations we see one dimensional excellence at the cost of various other dimensions. The result is a time bomb ticking somewhere else. Depending on which area one is responsible for, one would maximise indices depicting performance in that dimension, sweeping the dust out from ‘my house’ onto ‘the neighbour’s front yard’. This does not really ensure a healthy, all round effort. Inflation & other pressures build up as a result of ignored variables, not built into the equation. A chain is as strong as the weakest link …..

In the corporate world, to some extent ‘The Balanced Scorecard’ approach deals with such a situation, though not fully. Alongwith stakeholders’ financial interests, it encourages measurement on the people, customers & process dimensions as well ….. definitely an approach in the right direction, but still needs broadening of the scope to include impact on society, environment & nature.

There is tremendous ‘Energy’ in India today, both quantitatively & qualitatively. A billion plus people, half of them below 20 years of age, growing opportunities, developing economy, increasing aspirations !! What is needed is a holistic approach to make sure that this phenomenal social, physical, psychic energy produces the best results in a multidimensional Indian ecosystem. Neglecting any one dimension is like ‘leakage’ of energy from that ‘weakest’ point in the nuclear reactor ….. !! Balanced, well rounded development, ensuring that social, economic, psychological, physical & environmental interests are in a Dynamic Equilibrium is the challenge in India today. Such a balance will ensure ‘Ananda Tandava’, which India has taught the world over ages.

Alignment of a billion ‘charged ions’ in a Laser Head, needs application of a high voltage of Leadership Qualities of Truth, Integrity, Ethics, Humility, Inner Strength, Transcending of Self & Passion ….. And once it happens it can LEAD to a Highly Powerful Laser Beam ….. !! However, leaving a weak spot, an unattended to variable, can LEAD to leakage of uncontrolled high energy into the Indian environment ….. causing damage or a lost opportunity. Let’s hope that we see A Dynamic Equilibrium leading to A Celebration of Life in the India of tomorrow !!


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A World of Possibilities

ET, November, 2008

I could be bound in a nutshell & count myself a king of infinite space.

– Shakespeare, Hamlet

Where else could we get learnings on Globalisation, or should I say Universalisation, than the example of the Universe itself. Starting from The Big Bang & expanding to its current state ….. & still expanding !! The origin was a very high concentration of mass & energy hugely compacted into a small space, probably smaller than an SME. Was it this energy of God, The Leader, that was The Driving Force, Passion & Desire which drove Him to create history ? While it got Him to create The Big Bang & to lead the Universe to where it is, He used Good Orderly Discipline (Operating Principles) to guide the progress over time & space.

Lessons then, are many. The starting point of the journey has to be a Deep Passion, A Strong Desire to take on the challenge of expansion or, depending on the scale, Globalisation; only the variables & complexity increase. No matter what the current size of the organisation, a huge accumulation of energy is a must to be able to start on the path. It is essential that a Leader has the Drive & the Vision which leads & guides the organisation towards the future. We have examples like Ranbaxy, Dr,Reddy’s to name a few, though not SME’s now, but demonstrating the impact of such energy. In the absence of this, the initial energy can burn out. The initial energy has to last & last to ensure that the organisation has enough fuel at all times ….. The Entrepreneurial Drive.

While the Good Lord was probably ‘born’ with all Leadership skills, these can be surely developed in lesser mortals like us, to be able to leave the same kind of blazing trail. There are enough lessons from the expanding universe & the field of business too to learn from.

While the Universe continues to expand, it remains one unified whole. This ‘oneness’ ensures that there is a ‘commonality’ of character in all its components. The purpose, mission, values of an organisation also need to have a shared acceptance. The same energy flowing through all the divisions and subsidiaries. The Leader has to ensure that all elements of the organisation are bonded together by a common energy, the gravitational pull which keeps the Universe as One. We don’t have a ‘breakaway’ component of the Universe deciding to go its own way, creating its own ‘New World’. The common nature of things, the characteristics & the gravitational attraction ensure that different parts operate in a huge cosmic show. . Leaders in this show, need to demonstrate Inner Strength & Maturity & hence Transcend themselves. Tatas have demonstrated this again and again over their long history. In the recent past, companies like Microsoft, Google have given ample illustration of how organisations can leap into globalisation successfully and over relatively short periods. Scale does not matter then. In the absence of this bonding and shared purpose & values, the different parts of an organisation will never be able to work as one organisation. The implications of this are many. The case for a shared, all pervasive energy in the organisation is so strong, that even at the cosmic level, scientists once believed in the presence of an all pervasive ether to carry electromagnetic radiation.

Another interesting lesson is, that the way the Universe is expanding, even though at tremendous speed, it actually moves out stage by stage. We have yet to learn of a part of the Universe jumping out ahead, beyond the edge of the Universe, into ‘darker spaces’ leaving the rest of the Universe behind to catch up. Really speaking, the principles of adjacency, related expansion, laying a foundation & then moving on further are relevant when globalising. At each stage, knowledge of the market & having a global mindset are key. The Leader has to do a risk-return assessment while taking these calls. Lakshmi Mittal’s expansion, while balancing & weighing these factors, is a classical example. Moving to adjacent domains, whether in terms of geographies or choosing which products to move with or with how much adaptation, all should be governed by the principles of adjacency, related & synergistic expansion. These principles come into play while making decisions on market entry through acquisitions, alliances or the greenfield route. It definitely is more effective & efficient. Resources are always limited & a good judgement, in economic terms, is to allocate limited resources among unlimited demands. The Strategic Choices are then based on a risk-return estimation. Needless to say, the principle of adjacency allows an efficient, effective, productive & low cost option. The more distant the next phase, the more energy & resources it will take. A question that needs to be answered is how much gain & at how much cost ? The net has to be positive. The Universe, with all its so called Unlimited Resources, still decides to expand out in adjacent, next outer domain !!

At each stage of expansion, The Leader has to be conscious of Adapting the organisation & its constituents to be ready to embrace the next phase, leading to a one whole again. There will be differences still, like different particles vibrating at different frequencies. With the global scale of operations, different particles, the subsidiaries may not vibrate at exactly the same frequency due to local situations. However, it is important to match & adjust frequencies to allow resonance to occur. Reading the pulse of the market & recalibrating are needed at all times. Skills at managing local teams across a global canvas are to be developed. Local leaders may have to be developed at various locations. While the subsidiaries should vibrate in total resonance within themselves, to have a high level of operational efficiency with least wastage of energy & resources, there has to be an all pervasive wave engulfing all the subsidiaries, which has a uniform frequency. This is where the wave particle duality comes into play. If there is no wave engulfing all subsidiaries with a common frequency, they will move away like separate entities, the corporation becoming an agglomeration of particles doing their own dance, the only reason for staying together being like that of a portfolio of Mutual Funds, being managed for balancing financial returns. The organisational fabric withers away. The common purpose gets lost. This wave engulfing all subsidiaries with the same frequency is open, candid & continuous communication, leading to alignment of goals, cultivation of trust & clarity of team objectives while maximising benefits of requisite grouping of differentiated knowledge, competence & skills. Group meetings, regular communication, collaborative efforts play an important role. Organisations get leaders from across the world to meet in offsite resorts, sometimes by rotation across subsidiaries to build this common bond. Familiarity builds, understanding & empathy increases. In the absence of such a unification, a higher level of entropy in the system can lead to chaos at the micro level, with the macro organisation losing its appearance and character. No wonder one finds companies like Infosys, TCS, GE having a certain character, wherever they operate across the world. This wave engulfing the entire organisation helps to preserve the organisational DNA. At a subatomic level, the nucleus has a mass lesser than the sum of the particles that are bound together. This mass is converted into the energy that bonds the subatomic particles together & this is the energy that is unleashed in the explosion of a nuclear device. Not only internally, an energy exchange with the ecosystem external to the organisation brings in the many benefits of networking.

To make it all happen The Leader has to ensure Empowerment, Accountability & Execution Excellence. There have to be certain immutable, unquestionable principles & norms of operation of the organisation in place. Systems & processes have to be designed accordingly. These ensure that there is disciplined approach & thinking across the organisation, while different parts operate smoothly, with the required autonomy & in line with organisational objectives. Measures and Rewards should be designed to encourage desired behaviour of collaboration & knowledge sharing. Light has the same speed for all freely moving observers. The laws of nature appear the same for all freely moving observers. Only relative motion, which implies adjustments & adaptation due to local variances remain important.

While the Universe is many many years old, light from our distant past is still reaching us. We need to tune into the right frequency to catch the microwave radiation just reaching us from those days. The spectrum of that radiation shows the characterstics of our heritage. So also, after the SME has treaded on the path of globalisation, values, DNA, culture, character & purpose should be passed on through folklore, anecdotes & documented learnings, to keep that energy of initial The Big Bang alive leading to Infectious Enthusiasm over the space-time continuum!!

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