Author Archives: J.P Singh

J.P Singh

About J.P Singh

Managing Director -- Bausch & Lomb, South Asia Vice President – Vision Care, Bausch & Lomb Regional Head, Western Region – Living Media Group Product Manager – Lakme Ltd.

Coach and Mentor Essentials

(‘Justplainandsimple™ Coaching, mentoring and Leadership Crucibles’)


‘Mentorship’ has its origins in Greek mythology. Mentor was a friend of Odysseus. Odysseus placed Mentor in charge of his son Telemachus and his palace when he left for the Trojan War. Goddess Athena visited Telemachus disguised as Mentor to hide herself from the suitors of Telemachus’ mother Penelope. As Mentor, Athena encouraged Telemachus to stand up against the suitors and go out to find what happened to his father. Mentor’s relationship with Telemachus and Athena’s encouragement and practical advice for dealing with personal dilemmas, led to the name Mentor being adopted in English as a term to describe someone who imparts wisdom to and shares knowledge with a less experienced colleague.

The word Mentor has come to stand for a ‘trusted advisor’Justplainandsimple™

There is a subtle difference in mentorship as compared to a coach, who facilitates the discovery of solutions by the leader/entrepreneur coachee himself/herself ….. or a consultant, who is supposed to provide solutions ….. or a trainer who imparts skills.

Mentorship also assumes ‘subject matter expertise’ to be able to give advice based on own experience.  Hence the two words trusted and advisor acquire their significance. But what is more important here and goes way beyond ‘subject matter expertise’ or ‘business excellence’, is ‘trust’.

Hence it becomes extremely important to search for a ‘trusted’ mentor/coach with great care ….. with proper evaluation and selection criteria to choose well. Very often the search ends up with only historical evidence of functional experience. This may not be sufficient.

The leader/entrepreneur should take sufficient time and care in the search, because once the relationship is established, he/she should accept and act on agreed upon action plans. If this is not done, it is loss of time and money for the leader/entrepreneur and loss of time for mentor / coach. It is a two way relationship with expression of mutual respect and gratitude being key on both sides. However, still if things don’t work out well, it is better to openly discuss and end the relationship rather than drag it painfully.

A study of successful Indian CEOs gave some very good insights on the qualities required in a leader/entrepreneur in the journey from start up to growth, apart from ‘business excellence’. The entrepreneur has to show tremendous ‘Inner Strength’ to manage self and environment, to network with stakeholders within the organization and outside and to keep the team energized.

Cricketing legend Yuvraj Singh, in his book ‘The test of my life’, in the chapter titled ‘The Battle for Confidence’, shares how a three member team of a physiotherapist and strength and conditioning coaches helped him get back into action after his fight with cancer.

Therefore, it is important that the mentor/coach himself/herself has the ability to stay grounded, calm and focused in order to be able to help the leader/entrepreneur handle such tough situations well, as and when they arise. Most importantly, an unbiased viewpoint, detached approach, independent thinking, balanced mind and intellect and extreme confidentiality are the attributes that enable the mentor / coach to hand hold the mentee/coachee and to co-create/co-evolve co-owned solutions to come out victorious through various chakravyuhs of business and life’s Mahabharata in this Karmakshetra/Kurukshetra  !!

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Our Young Cricketers should Coach Old Politicians

From The Crucibles of

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There is so much that India’s senior statesmen can learn from Team Dhoni. Will do the country a lot of good. Recent events in both the fields throw up such stark comparisons.

Fixing/corruption ? Get the culprits out. They CANNOT be in the game. Period.

Experienced, so called indispensable players replaced by young, energetic, charged up, passionate, fire in the belly members. The show goes on ….. and with better results !! Continue reading

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‘Breaking News’ brought to you by ‘The Times of Ants’

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I go to a park near my house for walks. There is a paved walkway that I use. Very often I notice a colony of ants in some parts of the footpath. They seem busy running around and carrying out their chores/activities. I step aside onto the grass to avoid stepping on the ants, lest they face a man-caused disaster.

A few days back Delhi (and many parts of India) had very heavy rains. Several areas of the city were water logged. Next morning when I went for a walk, the colony of ants was not there. Continue reading

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Why I adopted Coaching as a route to Leadership Development ?

(‘Justplainandsimple™ Coaching and Leadership Crucibles’)

….. also, a good Leadership Behavior/Style to have !!

Over years, as a student of Coaching and Leadership, I observed and experienced many leadership styles. The spectrum has those with total ‘uninterested abdication’ to the highly pushy and aggressive varieties. While the former just ‘let go’, the latter have various shades of ‘push’. Either of these leave a lot to be desired.

Even the widely professed ‘Situational Leadership Influence Behaviours’, to have real positive effect, have to first pass the test of ‘genuine intentionality’ as a necessary condition. However, Leadership behaviour very often ends up becoming disguised ‘manipulation’ and a euphemism for ‘push, directing, fear, coercion, ordering’. I have known Leaders who are aware of and openly accept and acknowledge that Leadership Assessment Tools have shown them to be ‘Destructive Personalities’ and still live happily with that knowledge !!

True Leadership, by definition, should have ‘willful following’ and basic elements of ‘genuine intentionality’ and ‘influence’ are necessary conditions. The interface has no ‘force’ or ‘impact’ but a very smooth ‘flow of thought and energies’….. with Purity, Beauty and Grace ….. and mind you, this requires a lot more Inner Strength and Maturity.

The Leader has to first develop his/her own self and be already operating from a ‘higher self’ for anyone else to come and willfully ask for a ride or seek to be a fellow traveler in this journey of life. Jim Collins says, “Level 5 Leadership builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility & professional will”. These are the qualities that lead to the development of a ‘Servant Leader’. Leadership has a Spirituality about it. Leaders are meant to help others become the people God created them to be. In other words, to help others become who they are meant to be, to fulfill their unique purpose here on planet Earth. .

The engulfing of both the Leader and Follower in A Wave of Smooth Energy Flow can be a very healthy, effective and efficient process. There is a Harmonious Influence of Energy Fields. No one forces or tells anyone to do anything. Both ‘genuine intentionality’ and ‘influence’ operate out of ‘Free Will’ leading to ‘Successful Outcomes’ that are a lot more enduring and lasting.

Coaching, as a process for Leadership Development, allows the Coach and Coachee to have a Graceful Rythmic Dance in a Positive Energy Field !! No pushing, no coercion, no directing, no ‘absent mindedness’, no persuasion ….. Justplainandsimple™ Helping Realise Potential by partnering to enable development of self owned, fully acceptable solutions and plans.

As per Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, “Spirituality is ingrained in the Indian polity. Since ancient times rajgurus have guided & counselled rulers & in turn rulers have supported religious & spiritual leaders. Rama’s guru was Vasishtha & Krishna’s guru was Sandipani. Jainism & Budhism flourished under the patronage of the rulers of their time. Shivaji gave patronage to Samarth Ramdas.”

Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow ~ Vince Lombardi, Legendary Football Coach

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MS Dhoni Decoded

From The Crucibles of

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As a student of Leadership, I follow the continuous debate on MS Dhoni with great interest. While theories on Leadership abound, with a personality like Dhoni, the discussion becomes even more intriguing and exciting.

The recent two test wins over Australia have brought in a lot of praise for him. At the same time raised more debates ….. now of the type ‘Is Dhoni more successful than Saurav ?’ Can there be a comparison with Gavaskar of the 80s ? ….. and so on ….. While some of these may not be valid, as eras and circumstances have changed a lot, others may also be of a speculative nature. Continue reading

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