Authenticity breathes in action …..






Authenticity needs no advertising; it breathes in action …..

Very simple events demonstrate and give evidence of Authenticity …..

And shine through …..

When you least expect anything extraordinary …..

And that, to my mind, is the true test of genuineness and authenticity.


Last Sunday, we needed to get something from the chemist, urgently. Value Rs.350/- only.

Being a Sunday, the neighbourhood chemist, from whom we order our pharmacy needs regularly,  was closed.

It was about 10.00 AM and we decided to order home delivery from the Guardian store in Malaviya Nagar, about a kilometre from where we stay.

We were told that we would get the delivery at 2.00 PM.

“2.00 PM ?? That will be late ….. “ I said.

“The delivery boy comes at 2.00 PM”, the person on other side said.

My wife decided to walk down to the store and pick up the stuff.

A short while after she left, my phone and the doorbell rang at the same time.

“Has the Guardian person reached home ?” said the voice on the phone.

“Sir your medicines”, said the person at the door. Time, 10.30 AM

It was my wife on the phone and the store incharge at the door.

She had reached the store, and was told that a person had already left with the ordered stuff.

“Sir, since you said it was urgent, I decided to come over myself and deliver right away”.

That was Justplainandsimple™ Authenticity in Attitude and Action ….. !!

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